Goodbye Visual Studio

Published on Sunday, 5 January 2020

Goodbye Visual Studio, Hello VSCode!

I have made a significant decision in my development career: I am switching full-time from Visual Studio to Visual Studio Code (VSCode) as my primary Integrated Development Environment (IDE). After thorough consideration and extensive use, I've come to realize that VSCode not only meets but exceeds my requirements for software development.

Why I Chose VSCode Over Visual Studio

VSCode offers an impressive suite of features that are crucial for my daily coding activities, and its efficiency in handling multiple programming languages is unparalleled. Here are a few reasons why I made the switch:

  • Versatile Language Support: VSCode supports a vast array of programming languages, from Python and JavaScript to Go and C#. This versatility is essential for someone like me, who works with multiple technologies.

  • Extensive Extension Library: The extension ecosystem in VSCode is robust and continually growing. These extensions add valuable functionalities and can be seamlessly integrated to enhance the development experience.

  • Innovative Features Like Remote Development: One of the compelling features that solidified my decision is remote container development. This allows developers to use a Docker container as a full-featured development environment. It simplifies setting up a development environment and makes it easy to manage dependencies.

What I'm Looking Forward To

As I transition to using VSCode, I'm particularly excited about exploring more of its innovative features, especially remote development. The ability to develop inside a container means that I can maintain a consistent development environment, regardless of the platform I am working on. This is a game-changer for collaborative projects and working in diverse settings that require high levels of configuration.


Saying goodbye to Visual Studio is bittersweet, but embracing VSCode is a step forward in my journey to becoming more efficient and versatile as a developer. I look forward to the new opportunities and improvements that VSCode will bring to my coding practices.

Stay tuned for updates as I delve deeper into the capabilities of Visual Studio Code and discover new tools and extensions that enhance my development workflow.