Retail Planning Part 4

Published on Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Each of the plan variable will raise an event when it value changes. At this point I have only done the simplest thing possible, however I know that in the future (based on upcoming stories) that it will be more complex.

New Unit Test

        public void EventHappensOnChangedValue()
            var variable = new PlanVariable(string.Empty, 100, false, new List<Action>());
            var eventHappened = false;
            variable.Subscripe(() => eventHappened = true);

Update Spec Fixture

    public class PlanVariableFixture : Fixture
        public PlanVariableFixture()
            Title = "Plan Variable Specification";

        private PlanVariable variable;
        private bool eventSubscription = false;

        [FormatAs("Starting with a locked variable with {startValue}")]
        public void LockedPlanVariable(decimal startValue)
            variable = new PlanVariable("spec", startValue, true, new List<System.Action>());
            variable.SubScribe(() => eventSubscription = true);

        [FormatAs("Starting with a unlocked variable with {startValue}")]
        public void UnlockedPlanVariable(decimal startValue)
            variable = new PlanVariable("spec", startValue, false, new List<System.Action>());
            variable.SubScribe(() => eventSubscription = true);

        [FormatAs("Change the value {value}")]
        public void ChangeTheValue(decimal value)
            variable = variable.Update(value);

        [FormatAs("The value should be {value}")]
        public decimal TheValueShouldBe()
            return variable.Value;

        public bool AndEventIsRaised()
            return eventSubscription;

Specification as written

# Unlocked Plan Variable value change will raise an event

-> id = db3bb374-0c72-4104-a304-78bcca5e5214
-> lifecycle = Acceptance
-> max-retries = 0
-> last-updated = 2017-11-13T00:56:48.4768642Z
-> tags = 

|> UnlockedPlanVariable startValue=123.45
|> ChangeTheValue value=234.56
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